Monday, May 4, 2009


The Cotton Days Parade is this Saturday! The Parade starts at 9:00am. All dancers need to be there no later than 8:20am. All dancers need to wear their black No Limit tank top, denim shorts and white shoes. Hair and makeup need to be the same as a performance (in a bun with hair piece and heavy makeup).If your child is riding on the float please provide them with a bag of candy to throw.

We will be performing at the Cotton Days festival after the parade. Performances start at 11:15 Please make sure you are there by 10:45am. Please meet by the pavilion at Veterans Park. This is on the opposite side of the dance studio. All dancers will be performing their jazz dances, so make sure that you bring your costumes with you. We will be done by 11:45 so please make sure you are there on time.

We will be having an extra practice for all the dancers who will be dancing in the parade(Pre- Team ,Jr. Varsity and Varsity).Practice will be this Friday May 8th. We will be dancing out on the grass behind the studio from 3:30 -5:00pm.W

We will be having our year end recital May 14th at Desert Hills Middle3 School. The recital will start at 6:30pm and all dancers will need to be there by 6:00pmwith hair and makeup done. I will send home a note next week letting you know what costume to have them wear first.

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