Tuesday, September 15, 2009


THRILLER- All classes except mini’s, and boys hip hop will be performing Thriller this year at the Corpse Nightmare Haunted house. We have been working on the dance during class. We are starting mandatory practices on Fridays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm at the studio, starting this Friday. You will be responsible for your dancers zombie costumes. Costumes should be kept inexpensive. I have examples of zombie costumes hanging in the studio for you to look at. Please try to keep the colors very dull and muted. If you have any questions please let me or Jamie Martin know and we will be happy to help.

CHEER CLASS- We are opening a new cheer class on Tuesday nights from 7:15 to 8:15.classes are starting soon so please let me know if you are interested. If you would like to sign up there is a tuition discount if your child is already enrolled in one of my classes.

FUNDRAISERS-We will be starting a new fundraiser very soon. Watch for more information to come.

TRAVEL SUITS -We are ordering new travel suits this year. I would really like for all dancers to have one. I will be placing an order for them on September 28th. Payments must be made in full to have your dancers travel suit ordered. You can use your fund raiser money to pay for them so make sure you get out there and sell, sell, sell.

Be sure to check out the blog for updates on all information. nolimitdancestudio.blogspot.com

Please send your child with a water bottle to class – no juice or soda is allowed.
Remember, tuition is due the first class of every month. There will be a $10.00 late fee assessed week after that.
Parent’s day is the first class of every month, the last 15 minutes of class time. Parents please feel free to come and watch your child at that time.
Thanks to everyone for your help. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at any time.
Please make sure that you write you name in your child’s shoes.
All dancers need black ballet or jazz shoes. Please let me know if you would like to place an order
Andrea Callister 668-9304 AndreaCallister@gmail.com Jamie Martin 669-6801

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