Tuesday, December 1, 2009


WELCOME BACK to dance. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Thank you to everyone who donated for our Dixie Care and Share dinner. It turned out great. Varsity show team did a great job putting it together, However Jr. Varsity won with the most donations. Way to go girls!

Please remember that there is a $20.00 recital fee that is due with December tuition. All accounts will need to be paid in FULL before the recital. Thank You.

CHRISTMAS RECITAL- Our Christmas recital is Thursday December 17th at Desert Hills High School. The recital starts at 6:30pm all dancers need to be there at 6:00 pm in costumes with hair and makeup done. I will send home a note on how your hair is suppose to be done. Remember that you can invite all your friends and family to come watch your dancer perform.

COSTUMES- All costumes and Travel suits will be here with in the next week. I will be handing them out during classes by next week. ALL dancers will need tan tights to go with their costumes. If you do not have any you can get them at Wal-Mart or at Dance magic.
Jr. Varsity , Mini and Mini elite show teams all need black ballet shoes. You can get them at Payless or Dance Magic.

CHRISTMAS BREAK-There will be no dance from December 15th to January 3rd. Dance starts back on January 4th. I Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Thank you to Kymbra Cox for all your hard work on the fund raisers.

Be sure to check out the blog for updates on all information. nolimitdancestudio.blogspot.com

Please send your child with a water bottle to class – No juice or soda is allowed.
Remember, tuition is due the first class of every month. There will be a $10.00 late fee assessed after that.
Parent’s day is the first class of every month, the last 15 minutes of class time. Parents please feel free to come and watch your child at that time.
Thanks to everyone for your help. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at any time.
Please make sure that you write you name in your child’s shoes.
All dancers need black ballet or jazz shoes. Please let me know if you would like to place an order
Andrea Callister 668-9304 AndreaCallister@gmail.com

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